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Please click link for any current High School Admissions Info:

Hello MS442 Families/Community,

Watch Our High School Admissions Video Series! / Vea nuestra serie de videos sobre el proceso de admisión a la escuela secundaria / 請觀看我們的高中入學申請系列短片

Summer is here! Get ready for high school admissions by watching our new video series. Check back soon—we’ll be adding more videos this summer and fall. These three videos are available now:

1. Welcome! Find out who can apply to NYC public high schools and how we welcome and serve students with disabilities, multilingual learners, and students with accessibility needs.
2. Two Pathways. Discover how to apply to high school and participate in Specialized High Schools admissions.
3. How to Get Started. Learn ways to start your admissions journey now, including how and where to explore your high school program options. 

For the most up-to-date information on high school admissions, visit our websites, and Questions? Call 718-935-2009 or contact a Family Welcome Center.  

As New York City begins to reopen, we wish you and yours a safe and happy summer. 




Thank you,  

High School Admissions Team  



¡Llegó el verano! Prepárese para el proceso de admisión a la escuela secundaria viendo nuestra nueva serie de videos. Y vuelva a visitar pronto, ya que agregaremos más videos en el verano y el otoño. En este momento están disponibles los siguientes tres videos:

  1. ¡Bienvenido! Averigüe quién puede solicitar el ingreso a las escuelas secundarias públicas de la Ciudad de Nueva York y cómo acogemos y atendemos a los estudiantes con discapacidades, estudiantes multilingües y estudiantes con necesidades de accesibilidad.

  2. Dos vías. Descubra cómo solicitar el ingreso a la escuela secundaria y participar en el proceso de admisión a las escuelas secundarias especializadas.

  3. Cómo empezar. Descubra cómo empezar desde ahora su proceso de admisión, incluyendo cómo y dónde explorar sus opciones de escuela secundaria.

Para obtener la información más reciente sobre el proceso de admisión a la escuela secundaria, ingrese a nuestros sitios web, y ¿Tiene preguntas? Llame al 718-935-2009 o comuníquese con un Centro de Bienvenida a las Familias.

A medida que la Ciudad de Nueva York comienza su reapertura, les deseamos a usted y a su familia un seguro y feliz verano.


Muchas gracias,

Equipo de Admisiones a la Escuela Secundaria





  1. 歡迎!了解哪些人可以申請紐約市的公立高中,以及我們通過哪些方法讓殘障學生、多種語言學習者、以及需要無障礙設施的學生感到賓至如歸以及為他們提供教育服務。

  2. 兩條路徑。了解如何申請高中並參加特殊高中入學程序。

  3. 如何開始啓動入學申請。學會如何現在就開始您的入學申請旅程,包括如何以及在哪裏探索您的高中課程選項。












Hello MS 442 Families/Community,

We are excited to share videos and other resources with you! We hope you find these online resources helpful in preparing your families for high school admissions.


High School Admissions Video Series:

  • Starting tomorrow, June 26, the first three videos of this series will be posted online at Families and school counselors will be able to access these videos, which will include translations in the nine DOE languages. More videos will be released on a rolling basis throughout the summer. 

  • This video series will cover how to participate in high school and specialized high schools admissions, what students can do this summer, what to expect this fall, how to build a balanced application, how to use MySchools throughout the process, and more. The first three videos explain the basics of the high school admissions process and what families can do over the summer.

  • School counselors can use these videos with families to share information that was included in the turnkey presentations for school counselors in previous years.


2021 High School Admissions Guide:

  • The searchable online directory in MySchools is now updated for 2021 admissions. Families and school staff can access the online directory in English and the nine DOE languages here:

  • The 2021 High School Admissions Guide is now available as PDFs here: Families and school counselors can access these PDFs in English and the nine DOE languages.


Please reach out with any questions about these resources by emailing, and please enjoy your well-deserved summer vacation.


Thank you,

The High School Admissions Team

The Office of Student Enrollment

    Statement of Accessibility


    We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities, and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact the Main Office or Parent Coordinator to request assistance.

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